
Showing posts from July, 2021

“Equanimity” – Why it is one of my favorite words?

(Published - LinkedIn Oct24, 2020) It’s not because I love Statistics (“Really!” – I can almost see my high-school teacher rolling his eyes) . It’s because the laws of probability are true for everything in life! Just like one has a 50% chance of getting a head or a tail on a coin toss; on any given day one has 50% chance of being sad or happy; on any given assignment (or a project) one has a 50% chance of winning or losing. As a very successful project manager in an amazing company, you might just not believe me. Just do a simple search of project success rates; and you will see how real failures are! Consultants, managers, leaders and employees - all make a life out of “beating the odds!”   “Equanimity” doesn't mean we shouldn’t strive to always win and always be happy – “Equanimity” simply means that be ready for the opposite outcome to hit soon, if you are bombarded with one. More importantly perhaps, it means, learning to accept failures with an even kill as much as ...

A birthday boy’s take on what brings the best out of people:

 (Published - LinkedIn on Oct17, 2020) Does a day make you wiser – in some ways it always does, in some ways it doesn’t! So, in many ways now that I am a year older, I am the same guy; yet I am not the same guy. For years, I just came to work and tried to leave the place a tad better – and I still try to do my work with that same basic philosophy of life every day. However, today I feel this sudden urge to share my work philosophy with you -:) So hear you go; my 2 for 2 (for you and for your folks - "sociopathic tendencies" + "luck"! ):   #1. Connect with people – They will take the bullet for you!   Connect with people at a personal level through genuine understanding and empathy, so that when the time comes, they will be willing to take the bullet for you instead of fantasizing to put a bullet in you! Every person that I have been able to meaningfully connect with (irrespective of their power or lack thereof; irrespective of whether their circle of i...