Life in US vs India - thru another set of father-son letters
Dear Baba, I think a letter would be a better way to communicate about what is happening because it would stop the "aah" that always goes on whenever I call. As school starts to draw to a close, the mischief at school peaks. As the books are taken up, the books covers are left. Students, including me, put the covers on our heads, stretch them into slingshots, or casts on our elbows ( I don't know how to do the cast yet.). Ms. W took care of that fast, handing out silent lunches to whomever does it. The talking level rises and teachers have trouble controlling it, so they threaten to take students out of Field Day. Besides all of the mischief, the teachers are still teaching. Mrs. D - we finished probability, and we have started on solving algebraic equations. She is the only teacher who hasn't taken up our books yet. Ms. W - socializing for most, AR tests for me. Mrs. S - We will be doing a experiment on mentos and coke. Mrs. B - she is making us do...